Everything in the Word of God is there to be explained by the Spirit of Truth. So, let no one be carried away with anything that is not of Christ. Many have taken what is of Christ and have perverted it to fit what their own doctrine is. But let’s get hold today of the Truth of the doctrine of Christ. Read Hebrews13:9 and 1 Timothy 4:1-2.

The latter time spoken in the Bible is here more than back then. Today is more latter than ever before. So, it is worse today than when it was written for the future. Many are given over to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. A doctrine of devils does not always look evil. It looks godly, it looks holy, it looks like Christ, but it is not. Their preachers are ministers of satan looking like angels of light. They made the sheep of God blind, deaf, and dumb! They will use THE GOSPEL and turn it into another gospel. Sometimes they don’t even know it. Sometimes it is not even planned because they have been seduced to believe half-truths and lies. They have been indoctrinated. Most of the time, it is very tempting to remove the cross and to remove you as a sacrifice as they allure people through the Babylonian system and through the spirit of this age, turning good into Truth. Not everything good is of the TRUTH.

O Galatians’ church, who has bewitched you! Who has tricked you? Who has deceived you? You started in the spirit and now you are in the flesh. You started with the purity of the doctrine of Christ and now you are taken by the doctrine of the devil. Read 2 Corinthians 11:10-15.

The Truth of Christ must be in you! You should say that with boldness and confidence! If you are not baptized in the Truth, you will never be able to discern the doctrines of the devils. You will ultimately be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrines of devils and man theology or additives. So, this is how important the Holy Spirit is in our walk.

False apostles, deceitful workers transforming themselves into ministers of Christ! Be aware of them. Don’t marvel at their words! They speak hypocrisies. On the outside, they look like Christians but on the inside, they are of the devil. Doctrines that divide you from Him are doctrines of the devils. Doctrines that disconnect you from the spiritual body are doctrines of devils. Read Titus 1:18-16.

Doctrines that deny the power of God are of the devil. Christ is power and the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24). We must go back to the simplicity of the gospel of Christ. Just because we walk in the Truth now does not mean we will be walking in it forever. We must be aware and not let ourselves be confused. Satan wants to cut you off from Christ, from Truth, from the pure Gospel. In satan, there is confusion. He wants to stop you from knowing your true identity of who you are and what you can do.

There is only one Truth, not many truths. What is the Truth you live by?

Satan is separating to bring people to himself and away from God. God is also separating people from satan to bring people back to Himself. So, God’s dividing is holy. Satan’s dividing is demonic. The Word changes us so that is what satan would change.

You must know the doctrine of Christ so people won’t take that away from you. The doctrine of the devil is separating whom God has put together by the doctrine of Christ. Their mouths must be stopped. Satan wants to get rid of all the rebukers so he can carry on with his wicked preachers. By their fruits, we will know their doctrine. So, we must, more than ever, hold fast the words that you have heard.

Doctrines of the devil take your focus off of the cross. The doctrines of the devil have no oil, no inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It takes scripture out of context to create their own doctrine filled with the spirit of this age, humanism, and ecumenism. You start worshiping the image of what has been created! Doctrines of the devil are filled with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life! It embraces everybody, adjusting the Word to what you want and how you want to live your life. These doctrines take away the narrow way and lose the power of what the Word was and is for: to renew your mind and transform you!

If the doctrine is of man, it came from the spirit of man.

A few examples:

Hebrews roots – a doctrine of the devil that is trying to connect you back to a man - Abraham. But to be rooted and grounded in Christ – is the doctrine of Christ. Courtrooms of heaven – another doctrine of the devil. What the son did on the cross is done and finished! Religious acrobats! Cessationism, Calvinism, Jehovah Witness, Catholicism – all doctrines of the devil! They say that the Holy Spirit is something from the past. Doctrines of the devil. So, the doctrine of Christ brings one accord, one Spirit – His Spirit - and One Body! It divides us unto Him and He cannot deny Himself. The doctrine of Christ has power, and it is always confirmed by His Spirit and always understood by the Spirit of God in us, not by the carnal mind of man.

It is the Word that changes us. That is why satan wants to change the Word. What does satan attack? Sound doctrine, power, truth, revelation, anointing, and signs and wonders! When satan gets people to stop discerning the word that was preached and to follow man, he has gotten them. Who has bewitched you? You started in the spirit and now you are in the flesh. Read Ephesians 4:1-16 Man is flesh. Spirit and flesh cannot walk together. Both are wanting unity. But one is false and is humanistic. One is of the Spirit. The Word and the Spirit already are in union. So those that are in the Truth are already one in the Spirit and Truth. The other – the flesh – wants us to unify with what their carnal mind or their denomination have added by the devil or by the letter only that kills, trying to renounce the Spirit that makes us one.

We must keep the unity of the Spirit and not the unity with the doctrine of the devil! ONE FAITH. ONE BAPTISM. ONE DOCTRINE. This is for the CHURCH! Is the church still here? So, then the gifts are still here. Is the church still here? So, the Spirit is still here. Satan wants to say that parts of the Word don’t apply today anymore. That is called heresy and doctrines of devils, born out of the mind of man - denying the power of God. Turn away from them.

God has set people in His church to expose the doctrines of the devils so there will be no more children being tossed to and fro by the winds of doctrine. The doctrines of the devils! So, what would be a tactic of the enemy? To say we no longer have apostles and prophets, to change the Word to fit their narrative or objective, and to basically explain to their followers of proselytes the reason why they do not have power. So, they say the power is of the devil, demonizing the Word that always has power. Basically, satan exalts the dead letter, telling you that the Word was only alive when it was written in the Bible; but at the same time, they say that the Word (the gospel created and preached by them) has the power to save. That does not even make sense. These doctrines of devils will be diverting with their own rules, philosophies, and anti-Christ spirits, changing the Word that ultimately brings demonic division, pride, and reveling.

What was a mystery then is sound doctrine now because of the explanation done by the Spirit of Truth. If we pervert the Word, there is no more renewing of the mind. You are saved, but what are you saved for? To save others from the same deception that once untangled you! To save them not only from hell but from all the lies of the devil and from dead religion and the world.

Imagine if Jesus had heard the doctrine of the devil that came out of the mouth of Peter! None of us would ever be able to be saved if he had not gone to the cross. Peter was plotting evil? –NO! He was being a human. That is how satan gets in on our humanism – using what makes sense to good, but not to God.

How satan creates his own doctrine:

- By changing what the scripture really means and really speaks

- By promoting man ahead of the Holy Spirit

- By making people scared or afraid of spiritual things or of the Holy Spirit

- By pointing people away from the cross and towards false love and humanism

- By perverting the order of God and His ways

- By getting very affectionate with Baal to be in agreement with Baal, to kiss and to bow down to him

- By saying, “It is ok to compromise,” for the sake of compassion

- By worshipping doctrine or theology instead of revelation

- By turning truth into lies and lies into truth

- By denying the power that changes you

- By denying the wisdom of God that counsels you

- By making God so hard to communicate with

- By making you justified by what you do

Read Jeremiah 17:4-6 and Galatians 1:1-12.

There is no time to be like you. I must be like Him. So, I encourage you: Do not be unequally yoked with the doctrines of the devils. But first, you need to know what they are. Paul told the church of Galatians all about it. He marveled that some of them gave heed to another gospel. They got hold of the gospel and created another. If any man preaches any other gospel, let them be accursed, said Paul! The gospel preached by Paul was not of man! Jesus and the cross are the center of Christianity. If you move one or the other, you create a doctrine of the devil! Only where there is power and the Gospel, there is God. Mixing old and new is called hybrid Christianity. But we are a new creation. We are a holy nation. We now are His temple.

Read 1 John 2:14-29.

The doctrine that points you back to the world is of the devil! There are many antichrists. Anti-doctrine of Christ. Anti-truth. Anti-the Spirit. They came out from among us but they were not of us. They have seduced many and are feeding many with this poison. Don’t let theologians and the religious strip you from the doctrine of Christ. We are not in a debate. We just love His Word. We want unity in the Spirit and to become one with the doctrine of Christ. We want to exalt Him. We want to exalt the Holy Spirit. We have the spirit of Truth in us, so we are not confused. We are not lost and we are not dead. We see the dead. We see the fruits of a dead tree because we have the Spirit of Truth and the gifts of the Spirit in us that will not allow us to agree with lies.

“Father, change us and bear witness with the Truth that we eat from. Open our eyes and put eye solvent in it. We will not give heed to seducing spirits during this last day. We want to bear witness of the Truth, of the doctrine of Christ. Have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. Have eyes to see what the Spirit is doing. We must be one with the Spirit of God to not follow the doctrines of devils, every lie of satan. We renounce every doctrine of the devil. We renounce it, we reject it! In the name of Jesus! We seal this word by the blood of Jesus! We shall not live by the doctrine of the devil but by the doctrine of Christ, which is the power and wisdom of God, now and forever!”

Shane W Roessiger




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