“Father, we open our temple, the temple of the Holy Spirit, to fill us, Your Body, with Your oil. Every stone fitly joined together. Father, we desire Your Word. We exalt Your Word above anything else. We thank You, Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Holy Spirit, make us worthy of our calling. Let us be unmovable! We need You, Father, and we can do nothing apart from You. All things were made for You and by You! Thank you, Father! We are sent ones! You have already sent us, and now we are just obeying the calling to this nation and to cover all territory!”

This generation will be knowing the difference between legalism and righteousness, religion and relationship. We will be running the race and our tent, our minds and our hearts, will be bound to the mind of Christ. We are not just visiting a region; we are taking a region, bringing an apostolic foundation to His church! This is not just a good idea; this is a heavenly idea. It is a divine calling. It is a divine ordination. Now is the time to establish what was written! Thank you, Father, we will not quit, we will not give up, we will not give in, we will not faint! 

Faint not! Let’s read Galatians 6:1-10 and let us be strengthened by His Word and Spirit. Verse 9 tells us, “Let us not be weary in well doing because IF WE FAINT NOT, in due season, we shall reap!” 

It encourages us to do good, especially to those in the house of God, especially to those in the Body of Christ, especially to those that are part of this divine family. Even sometimes, we may not like somebody in the Body, but that does not mean that we don’t need them. We must faint not in doing what is right in the eyes of God. Let us make sure that we are not weary. We cannot be sowing to our flesh but sowing to our spirit! This is the only way to reap a harvest. The harvest is always promised by God, but what we sow is what we are to be responsible for. Paul mentions “doing good” and that doesn't mean being perfect, but firm! We must keep doing well, even if we don’t see the fruits in us or the results in others. It is all up to Him to produce what He has promised to produce. Our job is NOT TO FAINT. The enemy just wants us to be looking at what is not happening and what is not being produced. In this way, he causes us to faint! We keep expecting the season to come fast, but when it does not, we faint!

What is the due season? What is the right time? What is your time? What is the time of the latter rain? What is that! What is the proper season? Let me tell you that only time will tell! Many, so many, are always trying to predict the times, but the times will speak for themselves! We just need to continue and endure until the end and every harvest will manifest – it is written. God is the One who brings the increase always. All we are accountable for is not to faint. Keep watering it, keep sowing, keep going! Do not focus on the seeds – focus on the one who promises all. Sometimes, we keep looking at our watch to check the time, we keep looking at our clocks, but God is the one who created time and He is the one that keeps it going. We must keep our eyes on the creator and the Word – so in due time, your time for harvest will come! 

So, get your eyes off Abel’s field and keep your eyes on your own field. Even in the beginning – in the Cain and Abel story – Genesis 4:1-5 says that “when the process of time came to pass.” So right there you see the promise – and you see the time that brings forth the harvest. There were two kinds of offerings: one was of the ground and one was the flocks.  God did not accept the one offering. Why? The first of the harvest was all about the heart, it is not about the harvest itself. God was interested in the process of time because He said in verse 7, “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it.” The harvest is promised but God can still accept or not accept your seeds. Cain should have focused on his own harvest and not his brother’s. You have been promised a harvest. What is your harvest? It will look like the things you have been sowing! Our flesh profits nothing, but our spirit profits the harvest that God has for us. If we keep looking at the harvest sown by our flesh, we will faint, we will be weary! But God will light the fire and burn the harvest that your flesh has sown! Let that all-consuming fire burn all flesh so the harvest will be great.

Let's explain about time. When the time is here, time will speak for itself. We need to prophesy that these bones shall live, that we shall die that Christ shall live and we will have a godly life. Only when we sow our own death, our marriages and our lives will live an abundant life! The harvest is seen - the rain will bring the harvest! SOWING TIME….and HARVEST, but God always gives the increase. All God asks is that we do not faint! Don't faint! Don't stop trying! Do not give up! Do not stop! Don't give in! Now we are overtaken by His grace and His goodness so keep on keeping on. 

Because we have received mercy, we faint not. Read 2 Corinthians 4. We must live our lives like God has a 24/7 camera on us because He does. Every time we sow to the Spirit, we will always reap the fruits of the Spirit. If we sow to our flesh, we will reap of the flesh. If we reap a fleshy harvest, we will faint! Being in the flesh is striving and weighty, and then we get weary. It’s NOT the weight of Glory but the weight of heaviness and strife.

In our walk with Christ, we get beaten down but not in despair; persecuted but not forsaken; cast down but not destroyed. So, faint not! Whatever you see, whatever you live now, you must endure it! Be not weary! Speak the Word of God! We must speak forth! These bones shall live. These lively stones shall live and praise Him. These parts will be jointly fitted together. Always bearing the dying so we can endure the life of Christ Jesus in us! Death always working in us. Because we believe, we speak! 

If we don’t testify of Him, rocks will! I speak to myself! God said, SPEAK! I will open my mouth and I will speak! The more we speak, the more it comes alive! If you shut your mouth, nothing will happen! You will die. If you prophesy, you will have life! It is better for you to not live off the harvest of the devil. You better SPEAK! FAINT NOT! SPEAK! Even if you don’t do it, the rocks will. Are you living stones or are you dead stones?

“I am building My church with you,” says God! Father, this is Your house, not made with hay, wood, and stubble. We are a house of gold and silver! God has overlaid us with gold! Gold is the Glory of God. Now, we - being this temple - are being purified by the fire of His eyes, by the fire of His Word, being purified like gold and silver! His church is spiritual! His church is not bound by any element of the world! The head stone now has another name, the only stone that is moving and is resurrected is Christ! Religion rejects, the anti-Christ spirit rejects, but this stone is still moving and is alive! Because of this, we do not faint (verses 16,17)! Whatever you go through works in us a far exceeding weight of glory! We cannot look at the things we see, the temporal things, but we focus on the things that are eternal. 

God shows up, but what if He does not? God created time but he is saying, “Get your eyes off of it and look at what is eternal.” The proper time is God's time, not mine, but His, not because of some false prophets trying to release a word for an “Amen,” but we receive what we believe! We're not waiting for a man or a president or an earthly event, we're just waiting on God! What if He does not show up tomorrow? He said, “In due season if we do not faint, we will reap the harvest.” What we need to focus on is not on the harvest or time, but focus on YOU NOT FAINTING! Our problem is that we keep waiting for the rain. Elijah spoke the rain and he spoke forth the rain! At the end of the day, it's up to God to send it or not, whenever He wants to. Our problem is that we keep doing what we do but doing it without faith!

There is one thing we need to do: PRAY – SPEAK – FAINT NOT. Sometimes we are like this woman in the passage in Luke 18:1-8 saying, “O God, do this, do that to me.” And God, just like this judge in this passage, seems like He does not for us. But we always must be like this woman: SHE DID NOT QUIT, SHE DID NOT FAINT, SHE DID NOT GIVE IN! In the end, the judge helped her. Look at this unjust judge who helped this woman because she kept petitioning. Do not faint, keep pursuing holiness, righteousness, and running the race. If you look at Him, you won’t faint. Get your eyes off your sin and stop sinning, get your eyes of your situation, and then when you keep crying out NIGHT AND DAY, He promised if we continue to be doing good, if we don’t give up, He will reward us. You must let it go! Run to the blood! Be a petitioner, just like that woman! Verse 7, “Shall not God avenge His own elect?”

Shall not God give you the harvest if you do not faint, if you do not stop doing good, if you do not become weary, if you keep asking, if you keep knocking, if you keep praying, if you keep pursuing, if you keep on pressing into Him and do not faint? “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9

Harvest is coming! Harvest is within! God said it, I believe! Don’t eat from the harvest of the enemy, eat the bread of life! I keep knocking, I keep praying, I keep believing. God will avenge us speedily. When He comes, shall Him find faith on Earth or will He find us weary, fainted? Now we need to realize that we are not only failing in doing good works but also, we are losing our first love. Revelation 2:1-7 talks about us going back to the place where we left: going back to the first works, to the first love! 

“Father, right now we speak over every situation in our lives, over our family, over our jobs, over ourselves. I will not give up! I will decree! I will live for Christ! I will speak over... Father, help us not to be weary. That we will have faith, that we will believe on what you said, even when we don’t see changes or when we don’t see the harvest. Even when we see that you are so far away. Father, I repent, and I return to my first works, to my first love. Because You chose me, I choose you. Because You loved me first, I love you now. I love everything about You. In Jesus’ name, help us not to be weary, but to be praying, fasting, and knocking. Help us, Father. Amen.”

Shane Roessiger

FULL MESSAGE  https://youtu.be/8d2fvuoTdKw

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